The transport sector has widely developed infrastructure, it represents 7 to 12% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of Côte d’Ivoire, indeed, since its independence, the country has invested in roads, air, and rail transport. As a result, neighboring countries (Burkina Faso, Mali, Guinea) depend on Ivorian infrastructure particularly for their imports and exports.
The strategic points:
The international airport Félix Houphouët-Boigny was named best airport in 2018 in terms of service and quality in the African region, according to the airport service quality program (ASQ) of the Airports Council International (ACI World).
The Autonomous Port of Abidjan contributes to 90% of the country’s customs revenue and 60% of state revenue. 65% of the country’s industrial units operate in the port, representing a workforce of 50,000 people on the site. 70% of Ivorian GDP is resulted from the port activities. 70% of the foreign trade of neighboring countries, namely Burkina Faso, Mali, and Niger, passes through this port. For the region, it is a real tool for cooperation and integration.
The Autonomous Port of San-Pedro is the 2 nd port of Côte d’Ivoire; it is a state-owned company with a turnover in 2020 of 8,719 million Franc CFA and manages a traffic of 4,755,833 tons of goods. It is also one of the main economic infrastructures. It is thus one of the most important seaports in West Africa.
Key networks
The Air Network
Thanks to the increase of tourism, air transport recorded a yearly 5.4% increase in the number of passengers in 2019. Abidjan aims to be the number one regional business hub and the number one center of aeronautical maintenance.
The Ivorian Road Network
The Ivorian Road Network is a vector of national development and one of the best in the sub-region. In 2019, it covers 82,090km and is characterized as follow:
75,347km of roads (i.e., 91.7%) and 6,743km of paved roads (i.e., 8.2% of the total road network). Ivorian road represents more than 90% of the movement and goods, locally and with neighboring countries
The Railway Network
The railway network is limited to a line of 1156 km from Abidjan to Ouagadougou, including 638 km in Ivorian territory. This line holds 75% of freight transport on Abidjan-Ouagadougou Corridor.
Growing networks
With a demand of 225,000 passengers per day in 2020, lagoon transport is booming and is the subject of major projects including the construction of 20 lagoon stations. For a better mobility ecosystem, in 2019 the government set up the Urban Mobility Regulatory Authority in the Greater Abidjan area.
The NDP 2021-2025 emphasizes on improving the infrastructure of Côte d’Ivoire. In this context, the transport sector has received more than $10 billion under the National Development Plan 2016-2020.